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GXED Wins Engineering Contract for Baise Xinshan Aluminum Smelter's Cogeneration Unit Project

GXED Wins Engineering Contract for Baise Xinshan Aluminum Smelter

BEIJING--January 13, 2014--Researched by Industrial Info Resources China (Beijing, China)--Guangxi Electric Power Industry Investigation Design and Research Institute (GXED) (Nanning, Guangxi), a subsidiary of China Energy Engineering Corporation (CEEC) (Beijing), signed the engineering contract for Guangxi Baise Mining Group Company Limited's (GBMG) (Baise, Guangxi) 700-megawatt (MW) Baise Xinshan Aluminum Smelter cogeneration unit project on December 20, 2013, according to an announcement from the CEEC on December 24.

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