A Trusted Data Source for Supply & Demand Side Intelligence

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IIR Energy provides market participants accurate, detailed and actionable information for the global electric power generation market that gives users a clear understanding of supply-side fundamentals. Our market intelligence helps you to monetize assets and short- and long-term trading positions through real-time, comprehensive and accurate supply information.

IIR Energy's Power Generation Intelligence includes:

  • Unit-level details of operational power generation assets
  • Coverage of Planned and Unplanned Unit Outages (Historical, Current and Future)
  • New power generation capacity (New build) unit data tracking from planning through start-up
  • Future unit retirements or shutdown tracking
  • Unit details including fuel burn, run-time and emissions output data

Power Interactive Heat Map

Data last updated: 02/16/2024
Operational Plant
Map By:
(Select a region of the map for details)
($ Bil)

Electric Power Sectors Include


Public & Private Power Products
Municipality, cooperative-agency, and investor-owned utilities with generation capacities of 5MW & greater.


Independent Power Producers
Non-utility generators, merchant and qualified facilities with generation capacities of 5MW & greater.


Industrial Energy Producers
Privately owned & operated industrial manufacturing plants with on-site electric generation, back-up generation, or cogeneration of 5MW & greater.

T&D Systems

Transmission & Distribution
Transmission & Distribution lines 69kV & above, along with supporting substations. Many of these projects include micro-grids and battery storage.

The difference in what we do is our Research Methodology - IIR Energy's global team of researchers telephone-verifies intelligence on a daily basis to capture planned and unplanned unit outages while maintaining a database of operational plant assets and new capacity coming online.

We deliver real-time intelligence through the IIR Energy Live Dashboard where users can customize views through dynamic widgets for tracking generation capacity, offline events and activity alerts. Users can quickly quantify supply changes down to the regional or plant level.

Access includes:

  • Easy-to-access online environment
  • Research hotline for rumor tracking and confirmation
  • Email alerts/Instant Messaging/Chat
  • Data delivery through a secure API or FTP feed
  • The ability to download data to Excel
  • Graphing and charting tools
  • Station mapping and Satellite Views

Power Industry Segments We Cover


Power plants using fossil fuels, including natural gas, fuel oil, coal, and others, as well as nuclear power.


Thermal power plants convert heat to electric power. Coverage includes coal, solar thermal, waste to energy, nuclear, geothermal & combined cycle power plants.


Combined Heat & Power
Plants that produce both electric power & some other form of thermal energy utilized in a process or for heating/cooling purposes.


Power plants using wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, biomass and others as the primary energy source.

IIR's Power Intelligence provides a complete database of the entire global generation portfolio. Users have easy access to details and attributes for all types of power generation designs including conventional fuels and renewable energy. Transmission and Distribution, Micro-Grids and Energy Storage are also available in IIR's Power coverage.

Installed Base includes over 108,000 generating units with details on:

  • Primary and secondary fuel types
  • Load designation
  • Technology details
  • Heat rate (when applicable)
  • Startup dates
  • Capacities (designed, operating and seasonal)

Key Asset Attributes Include:

  • Ownership structure
  • Plant and Unit configurations
  • Run time
  • Turbine and Boiler profiles
  • Capacity Factor
  • Physical address, Lat/Long, trade region mapping

Quantify offline capacity daily through IIR's Unit Outage database that includes planned (scheduled) outages and unplanned (forced) outages. Our research team is constantly identifying, reporting and updating offline event activity for a reliable, accurate and transparent market view. From a plant-level perspective to aggregate overview, IIR's data gives power traders and analysts the best benchmarking, forecasting and modeling data to support accurate supply assessments, trading and hedging strategies.

Outage Database Key Attributes:

  • Outage cause and comments
  • Outage start/stop dates
  • Historical Offline Unit Activity (1996 to current)
  • De-rates
  • Email Alerts
  • Research Hotline
  • Custom Reports and Widgets

IIR's new-build unit intelligence gives you the most accurate view of future generating capacity because we stay on top of activity under development all the way up to commissioning and operation. The IIR Energy Live Dashboard widgets and email alerts give you daily notifications on units coming online, being cancelled or delayed. Coverage includes grassroot construction, plant expansion/unit additions, fuel conversions and repowering.

Key Attributes:

  • Unit Capacity
  • Construction Start Dates and unit Commissioning Dates
  • Fuel usage/type
  • Turbine/Generator technology

IIR's unit database is mapped to third-party sources for actual generation (run-time) and emissions-output data on fossil-fuel generating units. Data is quick and easy to access, with custom summary reports that allow users to more accurately measure and predict generation prices.

Key Attributes:

  • Details of emissions by CO2, SOx, NOx, mercury and PM
  • Start-up times and run-times at the unit level
  • Hourly heat rates
  • Fuel burns
  • Actual capacity factors
  • Mapped through ID structure for seamless updating

Research Hotline

The IIR Energy hotline is available for users through our research staff to verify rumors, confirm unplanned outages and possible supply disruption from weather-related events.

For more information, email or call us at:

Telephone: +1 713 980 1779

Email: iirteam@iirenergy.com