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Texas Drives $5 Billion in U.S. T&D Kickoffs in Second Quarter

Texas Drives $5 Billion in U.S. T&D Kickoffs in Second Quarter

March 14, 2025--Researched by Industrial Info Resources (Sugar Land, Texas)--Alongside the projected growth in U.S. power-generation demand is a projected need for new and improved transmission and distribution (T&D) capacity. This includes areas such as the Permian Basin, which consistently is a hotspot for industrial growth.

Industrial Info is tracking more than $5 billion worth of T&D projects across the U.S. that are set to begin construction in the second quarter, with Texas accounting for more than 33% of the investment. Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC, a subsidiary of Sempra Energy (NYSE:SRE) (San Diego, California), is spearheading one of the largest T&D investments in Texas.

Other companies featured: Lower Colorado River Authority, Xcel Energy Incorporated (NASDAQ:XEL) and FirstEnergy Corporation (NYSE:FE)

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