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Ethanol Outlook Drives Upkeep at U.S. Alternative Fuels Plants

Ethanol Outlook Drives Upkeep at U.S. Alternative Fuels Plants

March 25, 2025--Researched by Industrial Info Resources (Sugar Land, Texas)--Ethanol is bolstering the 2025 outlook for the U.S. Alternative Fuels Industry, and related companies are tuning up their plants in anticipation of stronger demand. The U.S. Department of Agriculture says U.S. ethanol export volumes will reach a record 1.85 billion gallons this year, according to its latest quarterly trade outlook.

Industrial Info is tracking about 130 maintenance-related projects at alternative fuels facilities across the U.S. that are set to kick off in the second quarter, the bulk of which is attributed to ethanol plants.

Companies featured: POET LLC, Tallgrass Energy Partners, Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Alto Ingredients Incorporated (NASDAQ:ALTO), Archer Daniels Midland Company (NYSE:ADM) and Green Plains Incorporated (NASDAQ:GPRE).

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