Emissions PlatformGenStack
GenStack integrates actual generation data and emissions output data with IIR's Power Generation Platform to provide a better analytical tool for identifying future spending opportunities in relationship to unit operations, maintenance and emissions compliance.
Presented in user-friendly formats that include analytical reports, charts, graphs and data tables, GenStack provides a complete plant/unit operational overview, including startups, hourly run-times, data on emission releases (NOx, SOx, and CO2), heat-rate changes, run-time percentages, and generation by fuel type with hourly, daily, and monthly snapshots.
GenStack is available for U.S.-based power plants that are monitored by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
GenStack Key Elements Include:
- Total startup times by unit
- Total hourly run-times by unit
- Run-time percentages by month
- NOx, SO2 and CO2 emission release data
- Heat-rate changes by unit
- Hourly, daily and monthly snapshots
- Monthly generation by fuel type
- Capacity factor change by unit
By Using GenStack You Can:
- Total startup times by unit
- Total hourly run-times by unit
- Run-time percentages by month
- NOx, SO2 and CO2 emission release data
- Heat-rate changes by unit
- Hourly, daily and monthly snapshots
- Monthly generation by fuel type
- Capacity factor change by unit
IIR has spent thousands of man-hours and programming time to integrate raw data from various government sources into a comprehensive platform. Save valuable research time, labor and dollars by subscribing to IIR's GenStack report!
Contact us today for more information on the platform!