Global Power Transmission & Distribution Platform
Details on Projects That Address Global Power Transmission & Distribution PlatformPower Transmission
Industrial Info's Transmission & Distribution platform zeros in on this evolving sector of the Power Industry. Global investment for Transmission & Distribution has been steadily increasing over the past few years and is expected reach into the hundreds of billions of dollars over the next 15 years. Much of this investment is necessary to support the global explosion of growth of new generation sources, particularly new renewable energy resources. The need to expand and modernize inadequate infrastructure to deliver power to a wider customer base is another key driver for growth in this sector of the industry. In many parts of the world, there is a movement to close existing fossil fuel power stations, making it necessary to bring power to load centers from other sources. In other instances, there are world regions where demand from growing industrial installations is driving the need for T&D system improvements.
Industrial Info's Transmission & Distribution platform includes details on capital project spending, including grassroot substations and transmission systems, upgrades, modernizations, replacements, and other major capital expenditures in the T&D sector.
Substation profiles include:- Utilities & systems owners
- Owner/operator name
- Physical address
- Company address and phone
- kV bus ratings
- Google Maps integration
- Plant parent/owner/operator
- Project total investment value
- Planned startup and completion dates
- Key contact information
- Project milestone dates (Bid Docs, RFQs, etc.)
- Much more!
Contact us today for more information on the platform and how to subscribe.