The Power Industry remains the cornerstone of all other sectors, supplying that essential lifeblood—electricity—to manufacturing, processing, commercial and residential customers around the globe.
For more than a decade, the Power Industry has been experiencing a major transition and transformation as the global industry moves away from fossil fuels and toward renewable power. While this trend continues to move forward, worldwide demand for electricity is experiencing growth not seen for many years. Despite the movement toward renewable power, much of the fossil-fueled sector of the Power Industry will remain operational for years to come. This will lead to more investment directed toward capital improvement projects to extend the useful life of these assets and to comply with environmental regulations and mandates.
Industrial Info provides timely and accurate market intelligence for the Electric Power Industry. Our research is not limited to traditional utility and non-utility power producers but also includes key details on investment for captive industrial owned power production. Our global research teams identify, validate and constantly update key details regarding investment in the industry. In addition to tracking project events, our teams identify assets associated with power production, including details of specific plants, generating units, drives, boilers, solar panels, battery storage units and substations. We also provide contact information for key decision makers involved with project activity and the daily operations of power plants.