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Texas Regulators Reject One Proposed Power Project

Texas Regulators Reject One Proposed Power Project

September 16, 2024--Written by John Egan for Industrial Info Resources (Sugar Land, Texas)--Plans to build or refurbish gas-fired electric power generation in Texas are just getting started, but a controversy already has felled one of the largest projects that was being considered. Separately, given the overwhelming response to solicitations by the Texas Energy Fund and the sharp projected need for new generating capacity in the Lone Star State, Governor Greg Abbott wants to double the loan fund to $10 billion.

This summer, 72 gas-fired generation projects applied for low-interest loans under the In-ERCOT Loan Program provision of the Texas Energy Fund (TEF). In all, the developers applied for $39 billion in loan funds to build about 38,000 megawatts (MW) of new dispatchable generation capacity.

Companies featured: NextEra Energy Incorporated (NYSE:NEE), Deloitte

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